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Tadeusz Męciński

President of the management Board at Energy HUB

Member of the Program Council of the Polish Climate Congress.


Tadeusz Męciński is an outstanding specialist with over 50 years of experience in management, corporate restructuring, and implementing innovative energy technologies.

He is a graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Technology and Mechanization of Foundry, specializing in the foundry of iron alloys and non-ferrous metals. Currently, he serves as the President of the Board of Green Energy PL Grupa Energetyczna and Green HUB, where he leads projects related to energy transformation and green investments. His work covers local government financing, the development of renewable energy, and supporting sustainable technologies in Poland and abroad.

Mr. Męciński has extensive experience in managing large teams, leading investments, and developing recovery programs for companies. As an expert accredited by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), he has carried out numerous EU projects, including those focused on energy efficiency and implementing modern technologies in local governments. He is a co-founder of key initiatives such as the "Prosument" program and a co-founder of the Photovoltaic Industry Employers' Association. His involvement in the development of renewable energy sources and innovative building models (passive houses, zero- and plus-energy homes) makes him one of the leaders of the green transformation sector in Poland.

Tadeusz Męciński collaborates with numerous local government and business organizations, including the European Center for Entrepreneurship and the Upper Silesian Industrial Park. His achievements include numerous training sessions and audits for management personnel, which contributed to improving energy efficiency and restructuring many companies. To implement energy projects, he organized Green HUB, bringing together not only energy industry entrepreneurs but also scientific, economic, and financial communities working on energy transformation projects based on innovative technological solutions. He is a member of the Association of Managers in Silesia. In September 2024, he prepared the Energy Forum "Energy Transformation and Hydrogen Technologies" from a substantive perspective. The Forum included over 40 ambassadors from not only Europe but also other parts of the world, alongside Polish economic and local government representatives. Tadeusz Męciński was honored in October 2024 with the title of "Leader in National Security and Economic Security."

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Kamila Król

tel. + 48 888 770 651

Klaudia Malinowska



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with adnotation Kongres Klimatyczny

Organizatorem Polskiego Kongresu klimatycznego jest Europejska Fundacja Inwestycji Zrównoważonych Producentem jest Agencja City (, właściciel konferencji Forum Liderów Partnerstwa Publiczno- Prywatnego (, Forum Rozwoju Branży Konopnej oraz cyklu podcastów Polska Naturalna Klimatycznie, dostępnych na Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Anchor i innych platformach. Jesteśmy producentem cyklu podcastów dla URBACT oraz współpracujemy z Rzeczpospolitą, Polskim Radiem, Polską Agencją Prasową PAP, Dziennikiem Gazetą Prawną i innymi mediami o zasięgu krajowym. AGENCJA CITY Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Warszawie (kod pocztowy 00-189) przy ul. Inflanckiej 8, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejestrowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy pod numerem KRS 0000863810, podatnikiem podatku od towarów i usług (VAT) o numerze identyfikacyjnym NIP 5252839615, REGON 387323921 | KONTAKT | tel. 888 770 651 |

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