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Polski Kongres Klimatyczny


The European Foundation for Sustainable Investments is now accepting applications for the Energy Transformation Leaders competition. Esteemed organizations such as the National Energy Conservation Agency and the National Center for Research and Development are represented on the jury.


The Energy Transformation Leaders competition aims to promote innovative, scalable solutions, products, technologies, and services that address climate and environmental protection. It also seeks projects that can significantly accelerate Poland's green transformation.


Participants are invited to submit products, investments, services, financial and insurance solutions, technologies, and other innovations that can be scaled to enhance the energy transformation of cities and regions.

UWAGA zmiana terminu nadsyłania zgłoszeń elektronicznych: do 28.02.2025


Submitting the initial form begins the application verification process. At this stage, no payment is required. Selected projects will advance to compete for the title of Energy Transformation Leader. Participation for qualified projects involves a fee as outlined in the Regulations (the full text of which can be found at the bottom of the page). Scientific institutions and public entities benefit from preferential application fee rates. The jury includes representatives from ARP, Energy Institute, and Congress partners.
Category of the Contest:
Thank you for your submission. We will contact you soon to confirm the acceptance of your request for further processing. Please note that not every application will be approved. Projects that qualify for STAGE 2 will be asked to submit graphic and supplementary materials.

The competition is organized by EFIZ and Agencja City Sp. z o.o. After completing the electronic form, you will receive a Word document that must be filled out with additional information, signed, and emailed to: You may attach brochures, folders, opinions, photos, videos, press releases, and other electronic materials. Only complete applications, consisting of the form and a description of the competition project, submitted in accordance with the rules specified in the Competition Regulations and by the deadline, will be considered. The competition documentation and Regulations are available at


Pursuant to Art. 24 section 1 of the Act of August 29, 1997, on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended), we inform you that the administrator of personal data provided in the application and the attached materials is Agencja City Sp. z o.o., based in Warsaw at ul. Inflancka 8. Personal data will be processed by the Competition Organizer for the purposes of implementing and promoting the Competition, as well as for statistical and archival purposes. Providing personal data is voluntary, and you have the right to access and correct your data. Correspondence can be sent to:



W tym miejscu można pobrać Regulamin konkursu Liderzy Transformacji Energetycznej oraz formularz drugiego etapu w wersji pdf do druku



Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z zasadami bezpłatnego zgłoszenia do konkursu European Sustainability Excellence

Regulamin Konkursu



Chapter I. Purpose of the Competition


The aim of the Energy Transformation Leaders Competition, hereinafter referred to as the Competition, is to promote innovative products, technologies and services related to climate and environmental protection, as well as other innovative solutions that may influence the acceleration of Poland's green transformation.

Chapter II. Organizer


1. The organizer of the competition is the organizer of the Polish Climate Congress, Agencja City Sp. z o. o., hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer".

2.  The competition is implemented by the City Agency, hereinafter referred to as the Implementer.


Chapter III. Competition Participants


The Competition is open to Polish and foreign companies registered in Poland, as well as business entities and natural persons from Poland and European Union countries. Foreign entities from other countries whose innovative products the Polish economy may be interested in may also participate. Scientific institutions and public entities may also participate in the competition.


Chapter IV. Prizes in the Competition


1. The winners of the Energy Transformation Leaders competition receive:

a) a prize in the form of a statuette;

b) diploma of the Energy Transformation Leader;

c) the right to use the sign and title "Energy Transformation Leader" in correspondence and promotion - an electronic sign (logo) for use in the company's promotional materials (including on letterhead, documents, marketing and advertising materials, etc.). The logo will be transferred under the contract for a specified period of time until the next edition of the Competition.


Each entity that submits its project, undergoes initial verification using the online form and meets the formal conditions for participation in the competition, also receives an invitation to participate in the awards gala for the Representative, i.e. for one person.

Chapter V. Competition criteria

1. Submitted projects will be assessed in terms of scalability and innovativeness of solutions, on an industry, national or global scale, and environmental impact.

2. Depending on the number of entries, the Organizer reserves the right to award prizes in individual categories or regardless of the category.


Chapter VI. Competition Categories

Applications submitted in the Competition may be considered in the following energy-related categories:


  • Construction and public facilities,

  • Ecology,

  • Technologies, IT, telecommunications, electronics, automation, startups;

  • Materials engineering, nanotechnologies;

  • Mechanics, machines and devices;

  • Transport,

  • Services and other solutions.

Chapter VII. Conditions of participation in the Competition


1.  Products, technologies, services or other innovative solutions in the context of energy transformation may be submitted to the Competition.​

2.  The condition for the project to be considered is timely submission on the applicable form - first in the online version, then in the file sent after initial verification (including attachments) and timely payment of the fee specified in section. IX.

3.  Any number of projects from one entity may be submitted to the Competition.


Chapter VIII. Required documents


Competition applications should be prepared only on the application form - in the first stage on the online form, and in the next stage on the competition application, constituting Annex 1 to the Competition Regulations, consisting of two parts:

Part A – basic information about the project

Part B – information about the Competition Participant


Only entities that successfully pass the first electronic verification after completing the form on the website receive the Competition Application, of which they will be informed by e-mail.

The completed application must be accompanied by a presentation of the submitted project along with additional materials that may help in the evaluation. The presentation may be in the form of a description, video, folder, photos and others, in pdf, ppt or doc file format.



Chapter IX. Cost of participation in the Gala and Application Fee


The application fee for companies and corporations is PLN 4,000 net + 23% VAT for the first project submitted by one entity. If one entity wishes to submit more projects, a fee of PLN 2,000 for the second project and PLN 1,000 for each subsequent one applies. The fee includes participation in the Energy Transformation Leaders' Gala by one person.

The application fee for the competition for foundations, scientific communities and units financed from the state budget is PLN 3,000 net + 23% VAT. If one entity wishes to submit more projects, a fee of PLN 2,000 for the second project and PLN 1,000 for each subsequent one applies. The fee includes participation in the Energy Transformation Leaders' Gala by one person.

The fee for the participation of an additional person in the Gala is PLN 900 net for persons indicated by the Competition Winner.


It is possible to provide co-financing for SME entities on the basis of an Application for co-financing participation in the competition.


NOTE: For projects submitted by September 15, 2023, the Early Bird price applies, i.e. reduced by 35%.

The deadline for submitting applications to the Competition VIA THE ELECTRONIC FORM is February 20, 2024, THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING FURTHER FORMALITIES AND PHOTOS IS FEBRUARY 29, 2024.


Payments should be made to the account:

47 1050 1012 1000 0090 8107 2440

with the title of payment: "Participation in the Energy Transformation Leaders Competition, number of projects..."  In the case of several projects, please provide the number of entries in the dotted space.


Chapter X. Deadline and place for submitting competition projects

The deadline for accepting completed competition applications together with additional materials is February 29, 2024 at 23:59.




The awards ceremony, during which the results of the Competition will be announced, will take place

March 20, 2024 in Warsaw, the place will be indicated in advance.


Detailed information is available from the organizers and on the website


The project is submitted using the online form on the website: After passing the first stage of verification, an additional supplementary form will be sent. Completed competition applications together with a project presentation should be submitted by e-mail to the following address:


The project submission form and attachments must be prepared in Polish.


The date of submission of the project to the Competition is the registered date of receipt of complete project documentation.


Competition projects submitted after the deadline or not paid on time will not be considered.

Chapter XI. Competition Chapter


The Chapter consists of the Main Partners of the Competition and the Polish Climate Congress


1. The jury decides on awarding prizes and distinctions in the Competition after consulting experts.

2. The Chapter consists of the Chairman, Members and the Secretary.

3. The Jury is headed by the Chairman of the Competition Jury.

4. The Chairman appoints the Secretary of the Chapter.

5. Meetings of the Chapter are convened by the Chairman of the Chapter.

6. The Jury decides on the selection of the Competition winners at meetings or in the form of voting using electronic media:

- decisions are made by a simple majority of votes,

- in the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman's vote is decisive.

7. The jury determines the number of distinctions in a given edition of the Competition.

8. The jury may decide not to award prizes and distinctions.

9. The Chairman of the Chapter, Members and the Secretary are obliged to maintain secrecy in matters relating to the work of the Chapter.

Chapter XII. Experts


1.  To evaluate the projects submitted to the Competition, the Chairman of the Jury appoints:

- specialists for initial assessment, which involves checking applications in formal terms,

- experts for the basic assessment of projects submitted to the competition, checked in formal terms.


The data of specialists, experts and appraisers are confidential, and they are obliged to maintain impartiality and confidentiality.


Experts may participate in the Chapter's meetings at the invitation of the Chairman and have the right to vote.

Chapter XIII. Evaluation of competition projects


1.  The evaluation of projects submitted to the Competition includes a preliminary formal evaluation, a basic evaluation performed by experts and a final evaluation by the Chapter.

2. All projects submitted to the Competition using the online form are subject to preliminary evaluation.

3. Applications that meet the formal requirements of the Competition are accepted for the main evaluation.

4. Each project is analyzed by an expert team in the substantive evaluation.

5.  The Competition Finalists are selected by the Chapter.

Chapter XIV. Announcement of the Competition results


1. The results of the Competition are announced during the Energy Transformation Leaders Awards Gala.

2. The Competition Participants are notified about the date and place of the Gala by e-mail and appropriate information will appear on the website

3. The list of winners is made public after the results are announced, on the website

Chapter XV. Final Provisions


1.  Fees for projects submitted to the Competition are non-refundable.

2.  The information contained in the documentation of awarded and distinguished projects may be used for promotional purposes of the Competition.

3.  After the end of the Competition, the Organizer will have the right to use the contact details of all Competition Participants for correspondence and promotional purposes.

4.  The Organizer, without the consent of the Competition Participant will not use or make available to third parties information about projects that have not been awarded or distinguished.

5. Joining the Competition is tantamount to accepting the provisions of these Regulations





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Kamila Król

tel. + 48 888 770 651

Klaudia Malinowska



Climate Congress of Poland and Central Northern Europe LIVE in Warsaw

& Evening Gala of the Energy Transition Leaders


is the Foundation for the Management Faculty of the University of Warsaw

You can donate to this account

41 1240 6263 1111 0010 6150 1662

with adnotation Kongres Klimatyczny

Organizatorem Polskiego Kongresu klimatycznego jest Europejska Fundacja Inwestycji Zrównoważonych Producentem jest Agencja City (, właściciel konferencji Forum Liderów Partnerstwa Publiczno- Prywatnego (, Forum Rozwoju Branży Konopnej oraz cyklu podcastów Polska Naturalna Klimatycznie, dostępnych na Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Anchor i innych platformach. Jesteśmy producentem cyklu podcastów dla URBACT oraz współpracujemy z Rzeczpospolitą, Polskim Radiem, Polską Agencją Prasową PAP, Dziennikiem Gazetą Prawną i innymi mediami o zasięgu krajowym. AGENCJA CITY Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Warszawie (kod pocztowy 00-189) przy ul. Inflanckiej 8, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejestrowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy pod numerem KRS 0000863810, podatnikiem podatku od towarów i usług (VAT) o numerze identyfikacyjnym NIP 5252839615, REGON 387323921 | KONTAKT | tel. 888 770 651 |

@ 2025 Agencja City

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