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Grzegorz Rabsztyn

Director of EBI

Grzegorz Rabsztyn has over 17 years of experience in the banking sector. At the European Investment Bank (EIB), he has been involved in operations including securitizations, risk sharing, and project finance.

He is a graduate of the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics. He also completed a one-year scholarship at the Faculty of Law at Aarhus University in Denmark.

Grzegorz Rabsztyn serves as the Director of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group Office in Poland. With over 18 years in the banking sector, and since 2014 within the EIB structures, he has participated in financing projects in Poland and the Baltic countries.

He has been involved in financial transactions for the State Treasury, local government units, banks, and corporate clients across various sectors, executing operations using investment loans and structured products such as securitizations, risk sharing, and project finance.

A qualified legal counsel, he holds degrees from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and from the Warsaw School of Economics, specializing in International Economic Relations. He also studied law at Aarhus University in Denmark.

In his role, Grzegorz Rabsztyn represents and promotes the EIB Group in Poland, actively participating in numerous industry events.

His expertise and dedication contribute to supporting sustainable investments and fostering economic development in the region.

Grzegorz Rabsztyn zdjecie 2 (2).jpg


Kamila Król

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Klaudia Malinowska



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